Abstract: One of the important issue in today’s world is nothing but users ability to take the limitations posted on the on their private wall. Now a day OSN provides little support to OSN posting. Proposed system able to direct control on the user’s vulgar messages, for this system we use filtering mechanism are their walls to delete the existing system problem. Machine method used to direct control message posted on the wall. For this phenomenon we use machine learning based soft classifier that that work with the help of the content based filtering algorithm. OSN is mostly popular younger generation entertainment .It helps of content based filtering algorithm. It helps to communicate the peoples, friends as well as society through online order. The proposed system helps to keep the track of the message for posting on the wall of online social network. On the point of exiting system and need of today’s life, my paper work for filter unwanted message before they rich user wall.
Keywords: Social Network Application, SNM- Social Network Manager, black List, FL- filter Wall.